
Contact Us

Fun 4 Tally Kids is the website for kids, families, and all residents of greater Tallahassee area, and we are here to help! Have a question? Can’t quite find the kids’ events you were searching for? Send us an email any time, and we will get right back to you.

If you know about a local business or program in Tallahassee that's not listed in our directory, add a business or program to our directory. If you know about a great activity or event, in Tallahassee that's not listed on our calendar, add an event or activity to our calendar.

Need to update your existing listing? Click here to submit a new listing and we will replace your outdated listing.

For information about advertising on Fun4TallyKids.com see our Advertising page for details.

Email us at info@fun4tallykids.com or fill out our contact form below.

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