Join us for our 26th annual Seminole Trails Cross Country Camp on the campus of Florida State University.
Sessions and lectures are designed to motivate young runners as they kickoff their summer training base on the beautiful shaded Tallahassee trails. We will have two training sessions per day plus lectures from Hall of Fame Coach Bob Braman and 3:52 miler and Olympian Ciaran O’Lionaird together with an all-star staff.
Elements of the camps include:
-Daily runs/workouts on the beautiful shaded trails and dirt roads of Tallahassee.
-Detailed guidance on pre-season training/preparation including periodization and goal setting.
-Biomechanical Analysis
-Learning drills and form improvement
-Race modeling
-Psychology of endurance competition.
Day campers get all of the same benefits as overnight campers except Housing (includes all meals)
Day Campers get dropped off and picked up from Salley Hall (usually 6:30am to 9pm)