Started in 1966 by former Parks Supervisor Sue McCollum, Playcamp is located near the Midtown area and is the city's oldest fee-based camp. Located in the beautiful Lafayette Park area, we offer a camp with small camper to counselor ratios and a fun mix of both active and passive games. Besides our 20-acre park area we feature a ballfield, playground, tennis courts and a multipurpose center with a gymnasium and classrooms. Camp is for 5-year olds (providing they have completed kindergarten) thru 12 years of age. Campers bring a lunch and a drink, and we provide a morning snack.
Playcamp Lottery registration will be Monday, April 7 from 9:00am - 9:00pm. Registration must be completed in person at the center. Since this is a lottery-based system, arrival time does not affect your chances.
The lottery drawing will take place the following morning, and all participants will be notified of their results the same day.
2025 Session Dates
Session 1: June 2 - June 13
Session 2: June 16 - June 27
Session 3: June 30 - July 11 (Closed July 4)
Session 4: July 14 - July 25
Session 5: July 28 - August 1