The school day is from 8:45-12:15. Please do not leave children before 8:45. There is an early morning program for those children who need to be dropped off at school between 8:00 and 8:45. The classroom teachers will be busy preparing for the school day and will not be able to supervise your child before 8:40. Please see the preschool office to register for the early morning program if you are interested. Pick up time from school is 12:15.
Faith Preschool & Kindergarten also offers an afterschool enrichment program – Lunch Bunch & Stay-n-Play Programs – that continues the day until 2:00pm, 4:00pm or 5:30pm. There are additional daily or monthly fees for these programs. The children bring their lunch, eat with friends and teachers, have additional exposure to classroom activities and afternoon playground experiences. Stay-n-Play is our program that is offered in addition to our daily Lunch Bunch. The hours of Stay-n-Play are 2:00 – 4:00 or 5:30