Franklin Academy is a full service educational institution serving grades K-12th. It provides educational support to its students.
Train youth of every ability in the highest principles of moral character, self-discipline, individual responsibility, personal integrity, and good citizenship.
To make sure children understand that they must follow all center rules, and advance academically to each individual's highest potential.
To teach the student "how to learn" by incorporating learning methods of research that will develop lifelong habits of study for individual Intellectual success.
To provide Christian leadership training through weekly Bible lessons with a focus on teaching the children how to live and to live by the words they use.
This further enables the child to strengthen his/her techniques for Christian Manhood and Christian Womanhood.
Promote good relationships between teacher and students, pastor and members, parent and child, or teacher and parents, and throughout the communities.
Promote a good understanding between parents or guardians and the administration/faculty of this school