The Lighthouse program is a place of second chances for teen girls ages 13 to 17. It is non-military but is designed to provide structure, education, and spiritual guidance in an environment of Christian love. Our program is a combination of schooling, athletics, extra-curricular activities, scheduled family visits, community involvement, music training, and traveling.
Lighthouse Christian Academy is our on-site school that is only for our resident girls. LCA is not a home school – it is a registered private school with the Florida Dept. of Education, and graduation from our school requires the completion of the same credits the F.D.O.E. requires. Credits completed at LCA transfer easily and are recognized by both public and private high schools and colleges. LCA uses a combination of Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.), and other supplemental educational tools that help us individualize the girl’s education. Our teachers are degreed and also provide individual tutoring. We do standardized achievement testing each year for all students, and upperclassmen take the A.C.T. college entrance test. Some seniors participate in a dual enrollment program with a university whereby they begin earning college credit during their senior year. Most students who graduate with us usually go to college and we have a college scholarship fund to help them further their education.