We, as Masons, elect to assist those engaged in this process of attaining knowledge to make a significant impact on future generations. We do this by supporting public education and championing the cause of our public school systems. To accomplish these goals in Florida, the Grand Master appoints a Committee on Public Education and Citizenship, which serves to promote and aid students of our public school system. Specifically, the Grand Lodge of Florida offers all graduating High School seniors the opportunity to be awarded a scholarship that may be used at any State of Florida supported Institution.
All Graduating High School Seniors in the State of Florida who will be attending a STATE OF FLORIDA SUPPORTED INSTITUTION (college, university, community college, technical college, or other such institution of higher education governed by the Florida State Board of Regents or the Florida Department of Education) during the following term (semester or quarter) may be eligible. The applicant must enter the school within one semester/quarter (excluding summer sessions) after having been awarded the scholarship.