Here at MOPS, we gather and support moms. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together, face to face. That’s why we rally women to come together in their own neighborhoods and help each other through this thing called motherhood, one gathering at a time.
Our acronym stands for “Mothers of Preschoolers” because we began in 1973 when a group of moms of young children banded together to share their lives and parenting journeys. Over the past 45 years, MOPS has expanded our reach to include moms with older kids, partnering with churches and organizations worldwide to equip and encourage moms in more than 60 countries.
If you are expecting or have an infant, toddler or preschooler: Try one of our traditional MOPS groups. Every group offers its own unique feel, so try more than one to see which fits you best. Many groups offer childcare, so you can get a chance to connect with moms, face to face, while your kids are safe and making friends, too. You can join MOPS for just $31.95, but groups may require additional fees to cover expenses, such as childcare. Go here for a list of MOPS groups in your area.
If you have school-age kids: Find the MOMSnext groups meeting in your area. They are designed for moms with older kids who still seek connection and community. Groups typically meet twice a month at a church, but each group can modify the location, schedule and curriculum to meet the needs of the group.
If you want to join a short-term small group: Try our M Collectives, topic-based discussion guides that lead to really meaningful conversations. Gather a few friends and create your own Collective small group. Customize the topic, meeting time and location to fit your needs. Each MOPS Member can download the Participant Guide for FREE, but we recommend each group purchase the Facilitator Guide, which offers keen insight into creating a safe and loving space.
There are many ways to join our MOPS community, and we hope you find the one that best supports you.