Ability1st is a United Way Agency that provides the following Core Services:
Independent Living Skills Training:
Instruction and skill building for living independently with a disability. Topics can include cooking, budgeting, transportation, and social skills training.
Information and Referral:
Information and Referral services educate consumers, family, and community members about what community resources are available, as well as coordination of referrals from and to other community agencies or services. Having adequate information and knowing where to go for specific services promotes empowerment.
Peer Support:
Peer support provides the opportunity for one person with a disability to discuss life experiences with another person with a disability. Ability1st is currently working toward developing a Peer Mentoring Program, which will be made up of volunteers with disabilities.
Advocacy is one of Ability1st’s core services and an important part of the Independent Living Philosophy. According to Webster’s definition, being an Advocate means one that pleads the cause of another or one that defends or maintains a cause or proposal. Not only does the agency strive to fulfill this role, but we also educate and train consumers to be their own advocate