The Geeks & Gramps Program is a technology-based initiative designed to bridge generational gaps between youth and older adults by connecting them through technology. Youth ages 8-18 complete an eight-week, 2-hour preparation workshop series including Microsoft Office Certification. Youth, serving as subject matter experts (SMEs) educate seniors on basic digital & advanced skills, safely using cell phones, tablets, computers, and software; cybersecurity, identifying scams; experience virtual reality, and overcoming fears of AI and other developing technology. Youth learn facilitation, group management, presentation, and communication skills, etiquette, and dressing for success. Youth then volunteer at a local senior center sharing the knowledge and experience they have gained from the program. WE CAN COME TO YOUR LOCATION. The program is currently funded under CHSP and has received grants from the Children’s Services Council of Leon Co., RRF Foundation for Aging, and the City of Tallahassee.