Leon Lifesaver:
He’s only 3 feet tall, weighs about 60 pounds and he’s teaching local children about important safety tips. Leon Life-Saver visits students at Leon County Elementary Schools throughout the year. Leon is part of a comprehensive injury prevention program established by Leon County EMS. Leon instructs students on how to dial 9-1-1 in an emergency and what to say to the operator on the other line, why children should wear bike helmets, how to cross the street safely, and other warnings.
Community CPR and AED classes:
Over 250,000 people suffer from sudden cardiac arrest each year in the united states. Permanent brain damage/death starts to occur only 4 to 6 minutes after the heart stops pumping blood. CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, can provide a victim's heart and brain with life-sustaining oxygen while paramedics are on the way. Combine CPR and an Automated External Defibrillator, or AED, and increase a victims odds of survival even further. For information on how to setup free CPR classes for your workplace, community or neighborhood group, just give us a call.
Stop the Bleed Training:
For years, Leon County EMS has trained our citizens in Stop the Bleed methods to help improve survivability from uncontrolled bleeding. Civilians need basic training in Bleeding Control principles so they are able to provide immediate, frontline aid until first responders are able to take over care of an injured person. Due to many situations, there may be a delay between the time of injury and the time a first responder is on the scene. Without civilian intervention in these circumstances, preventable deaths will occur. For information on how to schedule your own Stop the Bleeding training, call us.