SewNoles Fabrics & Lessons focuses on spreading the art of sewing! We have two main goals: to teach the art of sewing and to supply the materials needed to complete a project.
To accomplish the first goal, we offer a multitude of sewing lessons, starting at those who have never touched a sewing machine to those who are more advanced looking to refine or learn additional skills.
To accomplish the second goal, we are an independent fabric retailer! What that means is that WE decide what fabrics to carry, not some bigwig at a corporate office telling us what we're limited to! This in turn allows us to special order nearly anything you could desire! The sky's the limit!
We also have a variety of additional sewing supplies including, but not limited to: thread, zippers, elastics, hook and loop (velcro-like material), sewing machine needles, hand needles, quilting supplies, sewing pins, tracing wheels and paper, bobbins, fabric scissors, measuring tapes, seam rippers, chalk, and much, much more!