Adult supervision and pool safety gates are both so important, yet they may not be able to protect your child from every hazardous water situation. Living in Florida, this is especially true. Arm your child with an extra layer of protection in the unfortunate event that supervision lapses – even momentarily -- and he or she ends up in the water alone.
ISR is the safest provider of infant and toddler survival swimming lessons worldwide. With more than 50 years of research and development behind ISR's SelfRescue™ program, ISR teaches each child survival skills in conjunction with basic swimming lessons that give them the competence required to safely enjoy the water. Empower your child by enrolling him or her in ISR’s Self-Rescue™ program.
Infant Swimming Resource’s Self-Rescue™ survival swimming program is a 6 week course, scheduled 5 days per week, Monday through Friday, for 10 minutes each day. With a focus on safe, customized, one-on-one lessons by certified Instructors, ISR’s survival swimming lessons emphasize health, ongoing program evaluations, and parent education to deliver the most effective and safest results in the industry. Children may begin lessons at 6 months of age until 6 years of age.
Once the children are fully skilled they will practice ISR’s survival techniques fully clothed during lessons. It is recommended that children complete refresher lessons to help their in-water skill level grow with their physical development.