Only $49 Per Month - Classes Sundays from 1:00 - 1:45pm
About our Future Tallahassee Wrestler Program
Unlike a typical wrestling program, this is completely non-combat. There's very little physical contact (and nothing aggressive). We're simply providing kids a place to come learn athleticism and body awareness in a safe, fun environment. Think tumbling class with a wrestling focus.
We do things like bear crawls, forward rolls, cartwheels, army crawls, relay races, wrestling specific games, dodgeball, leap frogs, and many more fun activities.
Ready to Try a Free Class? Fill Out the Form on our website!
Goals of Our Program Include:
Having Fun
Socializing with Peers
Kickstarting Athleticism
Learning Wrestling Positional Basics
Increased Balance and Body Awareness
Getting Rid of Excess Energy for a Good Night Sleep (those are my children in the flyer.. I know your pain)
Why is Wrestling the Right Sport for Your Child?
That's for you to decide, hopefully through trying it out (fill out the form online to get a Free Class). As your child eventually transitions from our 3-5 year old program to our K-12 program, they'll begin learning actual wrestling and have the opportunity to learn and compete. Through this process, they'll develop many life skills including hard work, goal setting, discipline, respect, overcoming adversity, and more. While wrestling is technically a combat sport, we're more focused on what the sport can teach us about being good human beings.