
CTWFF Father's Day Leadership Basketball Clinic

  • When: Sunday, June 18, 2023,  1:00 pm -  3:30 pm
  • Location: Florida High
  • Cost: $10/child, $25/adults

On Sunday, June 18, The Charlie and Tonja Ward Family Foundation will host a one-day Father’s Day Leadership Basketball Clinic at Florida High in Tallahassee.

Participants will rotate through multiple stations where they will receive basketball instruction and hear from guest speakers on topics including education, life lessons and motivation.

The clinic is designed to provide fathers and kids, or male mentors and mentees, with education and a chance to get out and share in the fun of working together while forming a unique bond that will last for a lifetime.

The day will consist of basketball drills, life lessons and a unique way to spend Father’s Day together.

PLEASE NOTE: This clinic is only for fathers / male mentors and youth. Fathers / male mentors will
not be permitted to attend the clinic without a youth participant, and all youth participants must be
accompanied by a participating father / male mentor. All participants must purchase a ticket, and no
refunds will be provided.


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