
Auditions for "The Little Mermaid" presented by Stage11 Tally

  • When: Sunday, November 12, 2023,  2:00 pm -  5:00 pm
  • Location: Thomasville Road Baptist Church, Youth building loft

Auditions will be held on November 10th at 6:30pm and November 12th from 2-5pm.
Callbacks for the show will be by director invitation and will be held at the Fort Braden Community Center from 6:30-9 on November 15th.
This show is for all ages but for specific age ranges for the Characters please read our audition packet, available in the link.
For auditions, please prepare a verse and chorus of a song you enjoy singing with a vocal track that can be played on a speaker (bluetooth or youtube links work). We also encourage you to wear clothes that you can move in, bring a water bottle and a snack if you think you may get hungry during auditions or callbacks, have an open mind, and a positive attitude.
Video auditions will also be accepted! You can send in your Video Auditions now through November 15th at 12pm.
Please submit the same material that you would prepare for auditions, plus a video of you dancing if you would like to be considered as a featured dancer. These can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
