
Kidtown Story Time at Midtown Reader

  • When: Saturday, July 20, 2024, 11:00 am - 11:30 am
  • Location: Midtown Reader: 1123 Thomasville Road, Tallahassee, FL 32303
  • Cost: Free

We are excited to invite Tallahassee Memorial Animal Therapy to a Midtown Reader Kidtown Story Hour alongside their R.E.A.D.s program.

We will be reading "Is This Your Class Pet?"!

About the Book:
Arfy is a reading buddy, visiting schools and helping kids who are learning to read. One day, upon arriving home, Arfy notices a stowaway in his vest pocket--a turtle! Arfy must write letters to each of the teachers--and even the principal!--to find the classroom whose terrarium is missing this little terrapin. Can Arfy get this little lady back to her rightful class?

Be sure to stop by and support TMH Animal Therapy and see all the pets they bring!

Parents, stop by the Piebrary upstairs to receive your free cup of drip coffee during story time!
