Join Us for a Pawsitively Amazing Character Breakfast! Get ready for a morning filled with fun and excitement at our Character ...
Bring the kids for this day of giving back to this beautiful community that we call home! Your family or ...
Explore the nearby beaches of the "Wilderness Coast" with GSML naturalist and certified Green Guide Debbi Clifford. In an easy ...
Join us for this fall-filled DIY workshop! Create a collection of Chunky Knit Pumpkins utilizing our exclusive selection of yarn from ...
Almost every Saturday morning we host lessons for All Ages! Arrive at 9:30am for lessons. The only days we do ...
Join us for Story Time at the Tallahassee Farmers Market where the little ones can immerse themselves into the amazing ...
E. O. Wilson described invertebrates as “the little things that run the world.” Believe it or not, we have approximately ...
Come out and support a variety of local vendors and food trucks! Find some new fall decor and start your ...
Lowe's Home Improvement hosts monthly kids' DIY workshops at each of their locations. Kids earn badges for each workshop, which ...
The ArtZone is a FREE drop-in art studio that is open to the public for visitors of all ages to ...
Join us for Havana Christmas Tree Farm's inaugural Fall Festival! Embrace the fall spirit with a day filled with outdoor ...
Visit LeMoyne Arts with your little artist monthly for an art making experience sure to start them on a life ...
Learn about the history and techniques of candle dipping. Participants will handle melted wax and make their own tapered candle. ...
Join us every Saturday at 11 AM for a fun children's storytime event! Parents, don't forget to stop by the Piebrary ...
Join us for Kids’ Free Day! The third Saturday of each month is Kids’ Free Day where children 12 and ...
Come join us Saturday for our try synchro clinic! We will help you fall in love with the sport we ...
Festival of JOY! is free for all students with disabilities and special needs in Wakulla County! We will have inclusive ...
Obsessions is excited to hold this weekly crochet class, designed to provide interactive learning experiences for all participants. In this ...
Join us Saturdays from 5pm to 8pm at Monkeys Trading for our weekly trade night! Bring your Sports Cards and Pokémon ...
Come root for the Seminoles as they take on the California Bears!
The Tallahassee Senior Center is hosting a 70s themed dance event open to the public. Dress in your best 70s ...
Sign up for our weekly newsletter that lists the top family friendly events taken place that week, any upcoming events, current giveaways we are running and more!